Accomodations in Sedona

Things to do in Sedona

Restaurants in Sedona

Sightseeng in Sedona

Events by Month in Sedona

Festivals in Sedona

Getting around Sedona

Pictures of Sedona

Tlaquepaque in Sedona

One of the most popular tourist's place for shopping is at Tlaquepaque in Sedona. It has beautiful courtyards with shops, restaurants and entertainment. It is so relaxing to walk around and take in the sights.

Tlaquepaque in Sedona
Entrance to Tlaquepaque Sedona
Tlaquepaque Courtyard in Sedona
One of the Courtyards at Tlaquepaque Sedona

Tlaquepaque Sedona

Events at Tlaquepaque Sedona

Tlaquepaque Sedona Store Directory

2024 Events in Sedona

October 31st

Thanksgiving November 28th

Happy Holidays