Accomodations in Sedona

Things to do in Sedona

Restaurants in Sedona

Sightseeng in Sedona

Events by Month in Sedona

Festivals in Sedona

Getting around Sedona

Pictures of Sedona

Facts About Sedona

Sedona is one of Arizona’s premier tourism, recreation, resort, arts and cultural, and retirement centers. At an altitude of 4,500', Sedona escapes the desert heat of Southern Arizona and the mountain snows to the north with either just a short drive away. Sedona’s location at the mouth of renown Oak Creek Canyon and at the center of the state’s legendary Red Rock Country affords breath-taking panoramas, four delightfully mild seasons, plenty of sunshine and clean, fresh air. Highway 89A through Oak Creek Canyon was Arizona’s first designated Scenic Highway and was named by Rand-McNally as one of the most beautiful drives in America. The area is the second most visited site in the state after the Grand Canyon.

2024 Events in Sedona

October 31st

Thanksgiving November 28th

Happy Holidays